Moving to Raanana is one part of the adventure called “Moving to Israel.”
While moving to Israel involves a myriad of issues, potential problems, innumerable challenges and thankfully many rewards, moving to Raanana usually involves two questions:
- Where can I find a home
- What is the best school for my children.
These questions are the most common questions asked about any new neighborhood.
But let’s look at Raanana and what this popular community has to offer someone moving to Israel. Founded in 1921 by the Ahuza Aleph society or New York, Raanana has always been a very popular town for new immigrants. Many languages other than Hebrew are heard in the streets. French and English are spoken most often.
The first settlers were from the US and Canada and their Arab neighbors referred to Raanana as Amerikiya since English was the prevalent language. Today they might say French Amerikya.
Raanana features many parks and public gardens including the largest park in the Sharon region of Israel and hosts numerous cultural events during the summer. Major shopping malls supplement many smaller stores throughout city.
Kfar Saba, Herzylia and Hod Hasharon share borders with Raanana and are also very popular with new immigrants. If you are considering moving to Raanana, you may also want to look at neighborhoods in either Kfar Saba, Herzylia or Hod Hasharon.
Many high tech firms, let by Amdocs, Microsoft, Texas Instruments are also located in or near Raanana. This concentration of high tech firms has certainly contributed to Raanana’s being so popular. One of Israel’s finest school systems is another important factor in Raanana being considered such a fine place to live.
Shmuel Mantinband
Sonigo Intl Shipping
Sonigo Intl Shipping