יום ראשון, 5 באפריל 2009

Toshvim Hozrim and Medinat Yisrael

ועוד מאמר מפרי עטו של שמואל מנטינבנד - סוניגו

We all know the expression about Israel loves Aliyah…but She is not so crazy about olim. So how does Israel relate to toshvim hozrim?

On the surface, Israel looks very positively towards their returning residents.
Special benefits, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, have been added to the package of benefits a toshav hozer normally receives

One of the newest benefits is the establishment of a new status called toshav hozer vatik.
This status enables a toshav hozer not to report and not have to pay taxes on any income or property overseas for 10 years after moving back to Israel. A toshav hozer gets this status after spending 10 years overseas.

However, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, this status is granted to a toshav hozer after spending only five years overseas.

Customs Exemption Rights – Toshav Hozer

This five year period is not to be confused with the two year and six year periods that grant toshvim hozrim exemption rights with Customs.

After two years overseas (18 months for a student) Customs exempts the toshav hozer from Duties on all house hold goods except electrical appliances. In honor of the 60th anniversary, this exemption has been enlarged to include all kitchen appliances and a washing machine.

After six years overseas, Customs adds an exemption for toshvim hozrim on electronics from Duties and taxes. This includes items like a TV, stereo and DVD.

In honor of the 60th anniversary the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption has granted other special rights relating to assistance with opening a business, obtaining health insurance through Kupot Cholim and other benefits.

Bottom line, this is a great time for a toshav hozer to come home!

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